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Adelaide Baby Photographer || Harrison


When Harrison’s mum Jenna booked me for her Adelaide newborn photography session she really wanted to incorporate some type of greenery in to the session. As soon as I heard this I knew the perfect leaves to use! I have a stunning Blue Gum Eucalyptus tree growing in my yard. It is the perfect leaf to incorporate into a baby boys session. And the photos with them included are super cute. But I think my favourite photos from the session are the bucket shoots. I really love the photos of Harrison with the bear hat on. Theres always something about a bear hat that makes an already adorable newborn baby look even cuter! After the session I asked Jenna a few questions about Harrison and his birth….

How did you find out you were pregnant? Do you have a story to tell?

iI felt like I might be so I took a test and I was! Haha not very exciting!

How did you announce your pregnancy?

My family always said they would nickname our second baby jam so I bought jam jars and used white out to get rid of some of the words and wrote baby jam due 2nd of August 2018. Then I gave it one to my mum and sister saying I thought they might like the flavour as something different. It took them a second to click after they read it then they screamed as they were really excited and my dad and brother in law sat there wondering what they were so excited about because they hadn’t read the Jam label haha!

Did you have any weird cravings or experiences during your pregnancy?

No I was so disappointed. I only wanted ice cold water!

How did you find out the baby’s gender, before the birth or was it a surprise?

I’m terrible at surprises so I got a blood test at 11 weeks that could tell us the gender!

How did you pick out your baby’s name? Is there a special meaning behind the name?

We always loved the name Harrison. The name Brodie is my mother’s maiden name.

What hospital/birthing centre did you use? What was was your experience like?

Women’s and Children’s Hospital – Midwifery Group Practice. I loved it, best experience ever! I did it with my first too. My midwife was so nice and supportive she made us feel really relaxed.

Do you have a story from the birth you would like to share?

He was trouble! He kept flipping around from breech to head down even really late in pregnancy. I had a growth scan and he was head down, 2 hours later I saw the doctor and he was breech! Everyone was shocked!! He was measuring big so I was induced early but when I got to the hospital for my induction he was still breech and due to him constantly flipping and a previous c-section nobody wanted to risk it! We had to book in for a c-section later that week.

What is the one thing you will never forget about the birth of your baby?

He was under 4kg! Everyone told me I was having a huge baby well over 4kg haha and he came out 3.78kg!

Do you have any favourite baby shops or baby products?

Wilson and Frenchy make some of my favourite baby clothes. I also love seed.

Do you have any hints or tips for new mums and dads?

Don’t have unrealistic expectations, be willing to go with the flow and it can make some things a lot less stressful.

Do you have any keepsakes or heirlooms for your bub?

A baby book I’ve put together and continue to for the first year. I do monthly photo pages, write down their weight, height, what they are doing and memorable moments. I did the same for my first son. They also both have a toy with all their birth details stitched on the stomach made by the company My Teddy.

Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby boy.

What was the most memorable part of your newborn session?

Laughing at my husband because he pooped on him a tiny bit then karma got me because when it was my turn he did a huge poo in my hand and down my top!

What are some of your favourite photos from the session?

That’s really difficult I love them all so much! I can’t decide between the photo with gumnuts snd leaves around him, in the white bowl and with the teddy bear beanie on in the bucket!

Why did you decide to have newborn photos taken?

I’ve always loved newborn photos. I got talked out of it with my first and still regret it to this day! So when I found out I was pregnant I decided I was having them done and nobody would talk me out of it!

Why did you choose Megan Macdonald Photography to capture your memories?

Her photos are just amazing! Then when I spoke to her on the phone and she was so lovely and easy going I knew she was th photographer I wanted.

Did you enjoy your experience and would you recommend Megan Macdonald Photography in the future?

100% we loved our experience it was so much fun and so cute seeing him in all the different set ups. Megan was so nice it was so relaxed and run. I would recommend her to everyone and would go back myself for sure!

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    Adelaide Baby Photos || Kayleigh


    I have been photographing Kayleigh’s family ever since I had the pleasure of photographing Jade and Nathan, Kayleigh’s mum and dad’s wedding. I was thrilled when they had their first Daughter Anika. Anika was actually the first newborn I ever photographed! I must of done something right because these guys came back to see me with their second gorgeous girl Kayleigh and then again for her sitter milestone session. I love watching this beautiful family grow! Especially when Jade and Nathan make such gorgeous baby girls! After the session I asked Jade, some questions about Kayleigh and her sitter milestone photo session…

    Has being a new parent surprised you in anyway?

    I was surprised at how different the girls are. I expected things to be so crazy but Kayleigh was such an easy baby and went with the flow. Anika loves being a big sister too which definitely helps

    What has been the hardest thing about being a new parent?

    Returning to work. It’s so hard to leave them

    Do you have any hints or tips for new mums and dads?

    Dont over think it. I tried and Kayleigh came 3 weeks early and was the opposite to what I was prepared for. It all works out and I couldn’t change a thing

    What is your favourite thing about this time in your baby’s development?

    Their personality coming through

    What was the most memorable part of your milestone session?

    Her eyes. I look at those and compare it to her newborn shoot. I cant believe how different she is but how much personality shows.

    What are some of your favourite photos from the session?

    Kayleigh in the drawer. I loved the colours that were chosen! I also loved any personality captured when Kayleigh was finding her own way to work with Megan.

    Why did you decide to have a milestone photography session?

    To capture any memories I can while they’re young and forever changing. Kayleigh starting to sit was a big milestone and followed quickly by crawling so these memories were short lived and great to have photos of.

    Why did you choose Megan Macdonald Photography to capture your memories?

    Megan has been our family photographer for all occasions starting from our wedding. I wouldn’t go anywhere else!

    Did you enjoy your experience and would you recommend Megan Macdonald Photography in the future?

    Yes 100 times over!

    Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.Adelaide baby photographers photo of a 9 month old baby girl sitting.

    You can view Kayleigh’s Adelaide newborn baby photography session HERE

    Adelaide baby photographer || Adelaide baby photography


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      Newborn Photography Adelaide || Will


      I have been so lucky to have some gorgeous newborn baby boys in the studio for their newborn baby photos this year and Will was no exception. Baby Will was so handsome!  He had the best hairdo and looked so cute without a hat it was almost a shame to put a bonnet on him! I just adore Will’s photos of him in the drawer. I’m not sure if I prefer the photo of him with the pompom beanie or without! Both are super cute. If you are wanting to buy a Pompom beanie like in the photos (I get asked all the time!) my favourite Angora pompom beanies are from Joie De Knits. I also really love the wrapped shots of Will with the cream wrap and bonnet as well. The cream really suited him. After the session I asked Nicole, Will’s mum some questions about Will’s birth and his newborn photo session…

      How did you announce your pregnancy?

      We found out just before Christmas, so we got a whole heap of baby clothes with special messages on them for each family member to open Christmas Day. Lots of smiles all round!

      Did you have any weird cravings or experiences during your pregnancy?

      I only wanted savoury food… I was obsessed with baby cucumbers!

      How did you find out the baby’s gender, before the birth or was it a surprise?

      We found out before. So many people said to me ‘Don’t you want to be surprised on the day?’ To that I said ‘I am going to have a enough surprises on the day, I am happy to be prepared!’

      How did you pick out your baby’s name? Is there a special meaning behind the name?

      We loved the name ‘Will’ But our baby boys name is very special because William is his Grandpa’s middle name (Will is my dad’s first Grandson) and his middle name Barry, is his Dad’s middle name and his other Grandpa’s first name.

      What hospital/birthing centre did you use? What was was your experience like?

      We went to the North Eastern Hospital. We loved it there. The Midwives and nurses are all amazing, queen sized bed and amazing food… was hard to leave!

      Do you have a story from the birth you would like to share?

      Baby Will wanted to come into the world in a hurry. It all started happening around 7.30am Friday morning and he was out at 11.11am that morning! He is a very chilled baby, his heart rate didn’t even change throughout the whole labour.

      What is the one thing you will never forget about the birth of your baby?

      The feeling of my water breaking… such a strange feeling to not have control over it!

      Do you have any favourite baby shops or baby products?

      Never been a real fan of Best and Less… but they have the best baby clothes!!

      Do you have any hints or tips for new mums and dads?

      Take each day as it come. These little humans are great time wasters… but totally worth it!

      Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.

      What was the most memorable part of your newborn session?

      We loved it all. Working with Megan was great, baby Will stirred a few times during the shoot but every time she managed to calm him and putting him back to sleep. She has amazing patience as well!

      What are some of your favourite photos from the session?

      I love them all… I can’t choose!

      Why did you decide to have newborn photos taken?

      Wanted to have some gorgeous memories of our first baby boy!

      Why did you choose Megan Macdonald Photography to capture your memories?

      A friend of ours had her newborn’s photos taken by Megan, I saw them on Facebook and fell in love.

      Did you enjoy your experience and would you recommend Megan Macdonald Photography in the future?

      We thoroughly enjoyed it. She not only is a fantastic photographer but was amazing with our baby. I would recommend her every time to anyone who needs a photographer for their babies/kids.

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        Newborn Photography Adelaide || Ivy


        I think one of the first things I notice when Ivy came in for her Adelaide newborn photography session was her eyelashes! Newborn baby Ivy has some of the longest eyelashes I have seen in the studio for a long time. Team those eyelashes with some chubby cheeks and a button nose and you have one pretty stunning baby!

        Since Ivy’s name was…well Ivy…. I decided it would be nice to incorporate some fresh ivy into her session somewhere. I thought the perfect time to use the ivy would be in her bucket shot. Ivy’s middle name is Sage so I used a sage coloured fluffy Angora (humane Angora only in my studio!) bonnet and wrap and wrapped some fresh ivy around the bottom of the bucket. I love being able to provide unique setups for my client’s, especially when they have a personal meaning to them. After the session I asked Michelle, Ivy’s mum some questions about Ivy’s birth and her newborn photo session…

        How did you find out you were pregnant? Do you have a story to tell?

        I had been feeling a bit crabby for a couple of days and on a particularly grumpy Sunday morning I put it down to PMS and decided take a pregnancy test expecting to see a negative result and to write off another month … except it was positive!

        How did you announce your pregnancy?

        We told close friends and family personally then made a Facebook announcement that we had a ‘caramel’ baby on the way based on our 2 skin tones, Vik being chocolate and me vanilla creating caramel.

        Did you have any weird cravings or experiences during your pregnancy?

        No weird or strange cravings at all, almost feel ripped off.. lol!

        How did you find out the baby’s gender, before the birth or was it a surprise?

        We chose to keep the gender a surprise. It was a challenge at times and was tempting to find out and peek as we had our radiologist write it on a slip of paper just in case. We resisted and it was the best decision keeping that a super special surprise

        How did you pick out Ivy’s name? Is there a special meaning behind the name?

        No special meaning Ivy and Sage were both on our short list and we couldn’t choose so decided to keep both.

        What hospital/birthing centre did you use? What was was your experience like?

        Flinders Medical Centre. They were fantastic I can’t speak higher of our care.

        Do you have a story from the birth you would like to share?

        Ivy has shown her personality already and tricked everyone. For a couple of months we had been told she was nicely head down. When she hadn’t arrived by 41 weeks I was booked for induction, as they tried to break my waters they discovered what everyone had felt as her head was her actually her butt! She had tricked everyone and resulted in needing a c-section to ensure her safe arrival.

        What is the one thing you will never forget about the birth of your baby?

        The indescribable feeling when she was held up over the curtain and we first set eyes in her and hearing that first cry.

        Do you have any hints or tips for new mums and dads?

        Enjoy them when they are little, even in a few short weeks they change so much so cherish every moment, every cuddle, every sleepy newborn yawn.

        Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.

        Do you have any keepsakes or heirlooms for Ivy?

        We have kept the hospital tags for both Ivy and myself as well as all the beautiful cards we received to congratulate us on her birth and welcome her to the world.

        What was the most memorable part of your newborn session?

        It was overall a great experience, being able, to sit back and watch while Megan took such great care with our girl. She worked with such gentleness and thoughtfulness to create some absolute stunning images.

        What are some of your favourite photos from the session?

        So many favourites, but particularly love her in a beanie, head on her arms draped in soft pink.

        Why did you decide to have newborn photos taken?

        We wanted something special to celebrate her arrival and to keep and display.

        Why did you choose Megan Macdonald Photography to capture your memories?

        Lots of research and decided on Megan as we loved her images and her style is one which fitted our personality and vision perfectly

        Did you enjoy your experience and would you recommend Megan Macdonald Photography in the future?

        Absolutely! Couldn’t recommend highly enough!

        Adelaide newborn photographer || Adelaide baby photographer || Adelaide newborn photography ||Adelaide baby photography


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        • DebbieAugust 6, 2018 - 9:08 pm

          What a absolutely gorgeous baby fantastic photos.  ReplyCancel

        Adelaide Baby Photos || Eddy


        All I could think when gorgeous little Eddy (or not so little considering Eddy was 9lbs 9oz at birth!) came into the studio for his Adelaide newborn baby photos was “look at those cheeks!”. 12 day old Eddy was so perfectly chunky that I had a hard time getting some of my bonnets and hats on him! I love Eddy wrapped up all snuggly in the grey alpaca wrap but I think my favourite photos from the session are the ones of Eddy in my new cream bear suit. Although his bucket and bed shots are totally adorable as well! After the session I asked Stuart, Eddy’s dad some questions about Eddy’s birth and his newborn photo session…

        How did you find out you were pregnant? Do you have a story to tell?

        Sarah and I had tried to conceive our second child for around 18 months, but unfortunately endured 4 miscarriages in the process. We were again over the moon when we found out that Sarah was pregnant, but of course we were also apprehensive and nervous. Sarah left a babies jumpsuit and the pregnancy test on my bedside table when i woke up one morning!

        How did you announce your pregnancy?

        Having a graphic design background, I created a movie style poster for our first daughter Phoebe, and knew that I had to do one for Eddy, or else it might come back to haunt me in later years (favouritism). So we announced Eddy’s birth with a movie poster entitled “OH BOY!” With sister Phoebe playing the starring role!

        Did you have any weird cravings or experiences during your pregnancy?

        This time not so much, but salty hot chips were still Sarah’s favourite!

        How did you find out the baby’s gender, before the birth or was it a surprise?

        First baby was a surprise, so we wanted to find out for Baby #2. The early scan predictions from the sonographers were all boy, and then we had it confirmed at 20 week scan.

        How did you pick out Eddy’s name? Is there a special meaning behind the name?

        It was just a name we both really liked, and felt was a strong name. Other Edwards in the family, but wouldn’t say he was named after them.

        What hospital/birthing centre did you use? What was was your experience like?

        Midwifery Group Practice at the Womens and Children’s Hospital. A relaxed pregnancy that enables a birth on your terms, and in your own style.

        Do you have a story from the birth you would like to share?

        Sarah was one push away from intervention (forceps/c section), and thats because Eddy has dads big head. Fortunately Superwoman Sarah gave one more push and out he came all on his own.

        What is the one thing you will never forget about the birth of your baby?

        How big he was! After his sister was only 5lb 14oz, we both expected another small baby….not a whopper! And also couldn’t believe how much he looked like his sister!

        Do you have any favourite baby shops or baby products?

        Sarah loves Bonds Wondersuits.

        Do you have any hints or tips for new mums and dads?

        Remember, the tough times are all just short term phases. they are super hard at the time, but know that they pass as quickly as they came, and you will come out the other side.

        Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby.

        What was the most memorable part of your newborn session?

        Megan’s patience, and the cute props and poses!

        What are some of your favourite photos from the session?

        umm…every. single. one

        Why did you decide to have newborn photos taken?

        It is a precious memory we wanted to make sure we captured in the cutest way possible

        Why did you choose Megan Macdonald Photography to capture your memories?

        Because Megan’s work is the best local newborn photography we have seen, and love her unique style.

        Did you enjoy your experience and would you recommend Megan Macdonald Photography in the future?

        Most definitely. Despite some “accidents” on set, it was an enjoyable experience, and the photos as a result we could not be more pleased. *NOTE: I just want to clear up that when Stu says “accidents” he means Eddy may of tinkled…..lol

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          Adelaide pregnancy photography

          YUYETH AND TIM – PART 4

          On the last night of Tim and Yuyeth’s stay in Australia we managed to get outside for some more Adelaide maternity photos. The weather hadn’t been very good to us while they were visiting (Luckily on the day we planned to have their maternity session we were blessed with perfect weather at the exact perfect time!). But it cleared up enough for us to get Yuyeth in her beautiful red dress and out to some rocks by the sea. Yuyeth had brought along a stunning red dress as a possible change of wardrobe and I though it would stand out beautifully against the grey sky and sea. To complete the look Yuyeth had a floral crown that matched her pretty red maternity dress. She brought the gorgeous floral crown from Gumnut and Bloom. Gumnut and Bloom is run by Rachael. Rachael makes handmade newborn, baby and maternity photo props in Australia. These unique rustic props are made with love by Rachel a registered nurse who one day feel in love with making headbands. Both Bows and Ribbons and myself even have our own unique collections that you can buy in her online store. Tim didn’t make much of an appearance in the photos from this location. Tim has notoriously bad balance and seeing him clutching on to Yuyeth (who has the grace and balance of a ballet dancer!) with the fear of god in him was to much for us so we sent him back to the safety of more even ground. I think if he stayed on the rocks one minute longer both he and Yuyeth would of ended up in the water! You would never know in the photos of the two of them that they were about to go crashing into the sea at any moment! These guys are true professionals and I am totally honoured to call them friends for life.

          Yuyeth and Tim are professional newborn photographers from Singapore. You can view their stunning newborn photography Instagram feed HERE

          You can find gorgeous maternity crowns and stunning newborn props at Gumnut and Bloom. Their online store is HERE

          Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a red dress.

          Do you want to see the rest of Yuyeth and Tim’s maternity photos?

          Yuyeth and Tim – PART 1

          Yuyeth and Tim – PART 2

          Yuyeth and Tim – PART 3

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            Adelaide pregnancy photography

            YUYETH AND TIM – PART 3

            Ok… so before I get started with this Adelaide maternity session blog post I have to warn you. Prepare to be spammed with photos! I just love Yuyeth and Tim in these photos! The light was stunning, the couple was stunning and the colours (like the couple) were made for each other! I dont think I have ever had such a quiet session. I hardly said a word to Yuyeth and Tim the entire time! These two got their model on and everything came together perfectly. All I had to do was stand and shoot.

            If you have read part 2 of Yuyeth and Tim’s maternity session you will remember I said that styling and light can make a big change to a photograph. Well I wasn’t kidding! Even though the photographs in the last blog post and the photographs in this blog post were shot back to back they feel completely different. Both of them are beautiful but they feel completely different. Then change from backlighting to front lit lighting and you have a completely different look yet again. Not everyone can pull of front lit lighting but Yuyeth is a stunner and I love that contrasty look on her. I could of cried when the sun dipped below the tree line and we had to stop shooting. I could of carried on photographing these 2 for hours.

            Yuyeth and Tim are professional newborn photographers from Singapore. You can view their stunning newborn photography Instagram feed HERE

            For gorgeous floral crowns visit Bloom Town HERE

            Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant mother in a rust coloured dress.

            Do you want to see the rest of Yuyeth and Tim’s maternity photos?

            Yuyeth and Tim – PART 1

            Yuyeth and Tim – PART 2

            Yuyeth and Tim – PART 4

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              Adelaide maternity photographer

              YUYETH AND TIM – PART 2

              Since Yuyeth and Tim looked so darn good in their outfits for the first location of their Adelaide maternity session we decided to keep them on and do some more photos in the second location. I’m so glad we made that decision because we captured some beautiful photos! Although I’m pretty sure Yuyeth’s gorgeous Reclamation dress would look stunning just about anywhere! I really love that the floral crown from Bloom Town at Blackwood is lit up by the backlight in these photos. It brings out all the gorgeous colours and textures of the foliage and flowers.

              Our second location was a gorgeous grassy spot that has beautiful dry vegetation all year round. So even though we were shooting the maternity session at the end of Autumn we still got a warm Summer feeling in the photos. It had been raining that morning so I was watching the weather very nervously. Even though it was nearing winter (and it had been raining an hour before the session!) we got gorgeous golden light just at the right time. It’s amazing what a difference location, lighting and styling makes to a photograph. You will see in part 3 of their session just what a difference it makes! We got a totally different look and feel simply by changing Yuyeth’s dress and having it be a little later in the day.

              Yuyeth and Tim are professional newborn photographers from Singapore. You can view their stunning newborn photography Instagram feed HERE

              You can check out Trista Smith’s Stunning creations on her Instagram page HERE

              You can visit Reclamation Design Company’s online store HERE

              For gorgeous floral crowns visit Bloom Town HERE

              Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.Adelaide maternity photograph of a pregnant woman in a white lace dress.

              Do you want to see the rest of Yuyeth and Tim’s maternity photos?

              Yuyeth and Tim – PART 1

              Yuyeth and Tim – PART 3

              Yuyeth and Tim – PART 4

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                Adelaide Maternity Photographer

                YUYETH AND TIM – PART 1

                When world renowned newborn photography husband and wife team Bows and Ribbons first asked me to photograph their maternity photos I was completely thrilled! Not only are these guys some of the most talented newborn photographers around but they are beautiful people inside and out and totally loved by everyone in the newborn photography industry. This was going to be no normal maternity session though! Yuyeth and Tim run their boutique newborn photography studio in Singapore so it meant taking an 8 hour plain trip to get to Adelaide!

                Since Yuyeth and Tim were flying all the way from Singapore for their Adelaide Maternity session we obviously had to do more than one location. The first location and the one they really wanted me to shoot in was my forrest location so we went their first. Yuyeth brought the most STUNNING dress from Trista Smith the clothing design genius from Reclamation Design Company. Trista makes the most devine vintage inspired bohemian dresses from artfully reclaimed and vintage materials. All the dresses are one of a kind and totally custom. As soon as Yuyeth showed me a photo of her dress I just new she needed a gorgeous fresh floral crown to complete the look. The lovely ladies at Bloom Town in Blackwood made one that suited Yuyeth perfectly! The mix of blooms and foliage was absolutely gorgeous (and it smelled fantastic as well!). Tim and Yuyeth were so cute together. You can see they have a deep connection and are totally smitten with each other.

                To say Yuyeth and Tim are naturals in front of the camera is a complete understatement. I’m pretty sure if Yuyeth was a few inches taller she would of ditched her career as a photographer and would of been on the other side of the camera as a model! I dont think I have ever come home from a session and had so many beautiful pictures made so quickly. It was an extremely hard job to narrow down my favourites so i may of over posted. But if you take a look at them you will realise the impossibility of that task!

                Yuyeth and Tim’s stunning newborn photography Instagram feed is HERE

                You can check out Trista Smith’s Stunning creations on her Instagram page HERE

                You can visit Reclamation Design Company’s online store HERE

                For gorgeous floral crowns visit Bloom Town HERE

                Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.Adelaide maternity photographer's photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress.

                Do you want to see the rest of Yuyeth and Tim’s maternity photos?

                Yuyeth and Tim – PART 2

                Yuyeth and Tim – PART 3

                Yuyeth and Tim – PART 4


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                  Adelaide Baby Photographer || Grace


                  When pretty little Grace came into the studio for her newborn baby photography session she brought with her 3 big brothers and sisters. It was a bit of a challenge getting the family photos but we succeeded! Her littlest older brother Lucas was full of beans but we managed to wrangle lots of cute photos. Grace ended up with a really massive newborn gallery! I’m not sure which of her set ups I think is the best but the beanbag poses on the cream backdrop are just gorgeous! You can really see her beautiful long eyelashes. I just adore Grace’s newborn family photos. Kelly (Grace’s mum) and her tiny clan are very photogenic and you can definitely see where sweet newborn baby grace gets all her good looks! I also love her wrapped newborn photos in the pink and cream wraps as well as her newborn photos in the purple bucket. The photos in the purple bucket include some fresh Rosemary that was in flower in my back garden. I absolutely love to incorporate different things like this in to my newborn shoots I think it brings a little bit of originality to the newborn baby photography session. I would love to have this gorgeous happy family back in my Adelaide Hills newborn photography studio. I really hope they have baby number five. Only time will tell!

                  Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby on a dolls bed.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby on a dolls bed.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl on a cream backdrop.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl on a cream backdrop.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl on a cream backdrop.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl on a cream backdrop.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl on a cream backdrop.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl on a cream backdrop.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl with her dad.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl with her dad.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl with her mum and dad.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl with her mum.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl with her mum.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl with her mum and dad.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl with her mum and dad.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl with her mum and family.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby girl with her mum and family.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby. in a basketAdelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby in a crate.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby in a crate.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby in a bucket.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby in a bucket.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby in a pink flokati rug.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby in a pink flokati rug.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby in a bucket.Adelaide newborn baby photographer's photo of a newborn baby in a bucket.

                  Adelaide newborn photographer || Adelaide baby photographer || Adelaide newborn photography

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                    I’m Megan Macdonald

                    an Adelaide newborn and baby photographer and this is my blog. My blog is full of all the things that make my job great..... chubby cheeks, pouty lips and squishy baby rolls!

                    cornerin aputs babyobodyN

                    Newborn & Baby Photography

                    ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA


                    Client galleries



                    Nobody puts baby in a corner.

                    Megan Macdonald Photography

                    ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA
