Beautiful Baby Ilijana is the second gorgeous baby I have photographed in her family. In 2017 I photographed her big brother Vasilije. It was so lovely to see everyone again and It was fabulous seeing what a little cutie Vasilije had grown in too. There is definitely a strong family resemblance and I’ll pop a link below so you can see for your self. Ilijana was the perfect little lady for her session and I just love all the set ups and girly pink!
How did you find out you were pregnant? Do you have a story to tell?
After just losing my sister to cancer on the 10th of April I started to feel very unwell shortly after the passing. Thinking it was nothing thought I’d take a pregnancy test only to find out it was a blessing that had to be sent by her knowing that this little princess would help me and the family get through such a time with this small blessing in our lives.
How did you announce your pregnancy?
We didn’t announce the pregnancy till I was about 8 months. I didn’t show for a very long time. But as most do we announced it on Facebook
Did you have any weird cravings or experiences during your pregnancy?
My craving this pregnancy were Oreo Mcflurrys from McDonald’s and lots of fruit.
How did you find out the baby’s gender, before the birth or was it a surprise?
No as soon as I found out I was pregnant I had to find out the sex. I have no patience. When I found out she was a little girl I was over the moon. A little girl to add to the family as we already had a little boy.
How did you pick out your baby’s name? Is there a special meaning behind the name?
I loved the name ilijana, I think it was such a pretty name. And it felt more complete with my sisters name as her middle name. As she was born very close to my sisters bday, a little girl, and was a blessing from her with no doubt in my mind.
What hospital/birthing centre did you use? What was was your experience like?
My little princess was born at Burnside Memorial Hospital. My birthing experience was very fast thinking it was going to be as long as my sons, little Ilijana ended up flying out with 2.5 pushes!
What is the one thing you will never forget about the birth of your baby?
The fact that when it was time to push she flew right on out. Hahha!
Do you have any favourite baby shops or baby products?
My favourite baby product would have to be the Medella pump. The silicon bibs with the catcher in the bottom Multi Mam nipple covers during the first few weeks of breast feeding. Saves your nipples. Baby Bunting always has everything you want.
Do you have any hints or tips for new mums and dads?
I know this sounds like tough love but try to get them into a routine of self settling immediately. With a new born I like to feed, burp, change, tiny little cuddle session and pop them down right away. And let them get to sleep on their own. I also feel if your relaxed and calm so are they

What was the most memorable part of your newborn session?
All moments throughout the shoot were memorable from start to finish. Megan has a way of making you feel like you have known her all your life. All the new styles you go through and choice of head bands. Ohh and how can I forget when my husband did the family shot with the little one that she was that relaxed in her daddy’s arms that everything else became to relaxed also and left her mark everywhere. Hahaha
What are some of your favourite photos from the session?
My favourite photos are the ones where she is laying half naked with a wrap just draped over her looking so peaceful and natural. I love how she is just wearing her lil head band and just sleeping so peaceful like the little princess she is.
Why did you decide to have newborn photos taken?
I wanted to capture their first few new weeks on this earth. Those young moments and early days is what I would forget most if I didn’t capture it. As that first month consists of long nights and early feeds. You forget how small and precious they are. As it’s so hard to look past those sleepless nights. And next thing you know they are turning one and taking their first steps and saying their first words.
Why did you choose Megan Macdonald Photography to capture your memories?
When I first saw her work 2 years ago I knew I had to have her do my son’s newborn shoot and then now with just having my second how could I not go through her again. She has such great talent. All her photos are so warm and natural in a sense. Why wouldn’t you choose her.
Did you enjoy your experience and would you recommend Megan Macdonald Photography in the future?
This is now my second new born photo shoot with Megan and I can not explain how relaxed and professional she is. As soon as you walk through her house into her comfortable warm and ever so inviting studio. The amount of props she has could make any new first time mumma or papa weak to their knees!
You can view Ilijana’s big brother’s newborn session HERE